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Virtual Sessions are BACK!!

When Illinois shut down for the stay in place order, we offered our virtual photo sessions called "screen shots" for a limited time.

well... now they're back!!

As many of you know, Chicago and many other areas have implemented new restrictions due to COVID-19 and while we are allowed to be open and offer in studio sessions, we know that many people prefer to stay home during these times, so we decided to bring back our virtual sessions.

I still want to be able to provide a positive and uplifting experience during these uncertain times FOR EVERYONE'S COMFORT LEVELS.These sessions allow me to do this from the comfort and safety of our own homes.

"Screen Shots" are a great way to get yourself out of the funk of being stuck indoors this winter. They're a reason to get dressed up and feel good while you get posing direction, wardrobe tips, and a personal cheerleader for a photoshoot through your smart device!

Here are all of the details on what a Screen Shot session includes and how you can book your own! What's included: -A consultation leading up to your experience going over wardrobe tips, planning, and scheduling -Posing guidance throughout your shoot -Me cheering you on and telling you how amazing you look! -The virtual session lasts about 30-45 minutes (up to two outfits) and you receive 10 low-resolution edited images sent online through a password-protected gallery for $45 - OR - receive a free virtual session with your deposit on one of our Flirty Experiences for when you feel safe to shoot in studio (date can be decided on later). -Email us at

What do I need? We can do your photo session using any phone, tablet, computer, or smart device with a camera, FaceTime or Zoom, and good internet connection. Quality varies by device, but there is no "bad" or "wrong" when creating art and having fun! But what if I don't have a stand for my phone? That's ok! You can use anything from everyday household items like coffee cups, planters, books, or hand weights. If you live with a significant other, they can always act as a human tripod for a fun couples activity. Are these only for boudoir sessions? Not at all! These are great for portraits, fashion, couples, families, and pet owners as well. We can create an experience that fits whatever your current needs or wants are.

Will these replace an in-studio Flirty Experience? No, Screen Shots will give you a look into what it's like working with me, but the quality of the images and angles I can photograph are not the same.

What do I wear? You can wear anything (or nothing). We will help you plan an outfit that fits your session style. Some recommendations we have are bodysuits, your favorite lingerie, a comfy sweater or t-shirt with underwear, cute PJs, or a robe.

Do I have to live in Chicago? Nope! We can do these anywhere in the world with internet connection. We've done sessions in Illinois, Florida, Ohio, and even Canada!

My house doesn't look like your studio, where should I take my pictures? All you need is a window or some light! We can use your bed, couch, shower, kitchen, or even just a plain wall! Before your shoot, we will chat about your space and discuss options to find the best place for your experience.

I don't have availabilty during daylight hours, can I do these at night? It is recommended to do these sessions during the day, like our in studio session, window light tends to give the best results. However, if you have fun LED lights, colorful light bulbs, or a neon sign, we could do a cool styled session at night!

Do you share the images publicly? Like our in-studio sessions, the client gets to decide how and where the images are shared, your privacy is very important to us. Can I do more than two looks? Of course! If you'd like to add on more looks, we can do them for $15 each with an additional 3 edits per look added to your package.

Contact us here or email us at to book your session or with any other questions you have!

Receive $10 off if you book your session by DECEMBER 5th!

Kayleigh Kay


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